Give back to the community

Thank you for supporting the Scottsdale Charro’s mission of funding Scottsdale’s youth, education, and community organizations while preserving the city’s western heritage. The Charros have donated more than $21 million since our founding. There are several ways to give to the Charros – direct donation, the Arizona tax credit program, Friends of the Charros, and by supporting specific events.

Charro AZ Tax Credit

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Qualifying Charity Tax Credit
Qualifying Charity Tax Credit
Select Amount *
Select Charity
You may select up to two charities.
Qualifying Foster Care Charity Tax Credit
Qualifying Foster Care Charity Tax Credit
Select Amount *
Select Foster Care Charity
You may select up to two charities.
Scottsdale Unified School District Tax Credit
Scottsdale Unified School District Tax Credit
Select Amount *
Select a Public School
You may select to up to two public schools.
Donor Information