Future Teacher
Scholarship Application
Since 1999, the Scottsdale Charros have awarded in-state scholarships to outstanding high school seniors in the Scottsdale Unified School District who plan to pursue a career in teaching. The Charros know how very important teachers are to the community and we are glad that you have an interest in becoming an educator.
Two scholarship recipients receive $25,000 to be awarded at $6,250 per academic year, beginning in 2025-2026, which may be used for the following:
- Tuition and fees at one of the following universities (GCU, ASU, UA or NAU).
- Room and board expenses.
- The cost of books and educational supplies required for a course of study.
- Miscellaneous living and school expenses, such as parking fees, technology, etc.
All scholarship recipients must meet the qualifications outlined in the following scholarship application. Completed applications must be submitted by February 28, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered for scholarship funding.
The scholarship recipient will be notified in March 2025, after the application review and assessment process is complete. Recipient will be honored at our Scottsdale Charros Education Awards event on April 25, 2025. Initial payment and annual renewals will be issued in July for the upcoming academic year.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U. S. citizen and legal resident of the State of Arizona, as well as a high school senior in the Scottsdale Unified School District.
- Have no less than a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in high school academic subjects.
- The scholarship is renewable annually for up to three additional years (awarding $25,000 total per scholarship) as long as the student continues to meet criteria each academic year.)
Your application will consist of the following elements:
- Applicant Information Form: provides basic applicant information and also provides an opportunity to list your accomplishments and tell the selection committee about your interests.
- Applicant Essay: 500-word essay addressing the following: “Why I want to be an Educator, and how this scholarship assistance will help me achieve my goal.” Be sure to include your decision-making process as well as your goals. High consideration is given to this essay when choosing a scholarship recipient.
- Teacher Reference: Must be completed by a teacher before February 28, 2025. Share THIS LINK with your selected teacher. We ask for a recommendation from one of your classroom teachers. You will want to select a teacher who best knows your performance and capabilities and can effectively and fairly assess your potential as a scholar.
- Guidance Counselor Report: Must be completed by a teacher before February 28, 2025. Share THIS LINK with your counselor. The form will request a transcript of course work, your class rank, and grade-point average.
Selection Process
An initial review of applications will be made by the Scottsdale Charros and staff. Completed and qualified applications will then be assessed by a review panel on the basis of the student’s overall record of achievements, and activities; together with an appraisal of the qualities of intellect and character by student-selected references. We also consider the list of school and community experiences you submit as part of your application. We look for sustained interest as well as diversity. It is insufficient to “load up” on school organizations in the senior year, for example. The key for us is persistence, and an indication from you as to which activities are most meaningful. For example, many scholars have well-developed musical talent or other artistic skills, though they may not aspire to be professional musicians or artists. We value knowing of this interest and the level of mastery. Attainment in athletics is similarly valued.
We also look for evidence of leadership in your election or appointment to important school offices, school and community awards received, etc. Initiatives in organizing church or community volunteer projects are also important to us. Some students have carried a demanding academic load as well as held a part-time job through school. In these instances, we like to learn why the student chose to work and how these demands on time are balanced.
A student’s high school academic record — grades, types of courses taken, grade trends — towers above all other factors in the application review process. In assessing academic performance, we ask ourselves one overriding question: “How well has this student utilized the academic resources available in the school and community.” We examine the high school transcript, paying close attention to the scope and rigor of the academic program. In considering test scores, we use the highest score an applicant has received on any given test regard-less of the year the test was taken.
At the end of each academic year, you must submit to the Scottsdale Charros evidence of performance in the form of a written progress report on courses taken, grades earned, participation in campus community activities and other pertinent experiences. Among the renewal criteria required is proof of a 3.0 overall grade point average at the end of the year and you must maintain full-time student status each semester. If your accomplishments are found to be satisfactory, the scholarship is renewed for an additional academic year.
Additional Information
- If your course of study is interrupted for religious missions or extenuating personal circumstances, the scholarship support may be deferred up to two years.
- You may transfer from one Arizona state university to another during or between academic years within university requirements. The scholarship cannot be transferred to any college or university, other than the following universities (GCU, ASU, UA or NAU).
- You must enroll in and maintain enrollment as an education major. A major in education is a requirement of the scholarship and a change in major will result in disqualification from the scholarship.
If you have any questions about this scholarship, please email sarah@charros.com